Martin F. Casey

Martin F. Casey graduated from the State University of New York – Maritime College in 1981 with degrees in meteorology and oceanography. Upon graduation, he sailed as a licensed mate on ocean-going tankers for three years, eventually obtaining a Second Officer’s License.  Mr. Casey graduated from St. John’s Law School in 1986. Since that time he has been involved in all aspects of commercial litigation, specializing particularly in admiralty and maritime, insurance, aviation, railroad and trucking claims. His clients include underwriters, charterers, shippers and recovery agents located throughout the world. He has experience in litigation, arbitration, mediation and insurance coverage disputes in virtually every state in the United States; has been involved in several major international marine casualties and has participated in many on-board casualty investigations.

  • State University of New York – Maritime College
  • St. Johns Law School, J.D.
Bar Admissions
  • New York
  • New Jersey
  • U.S. District Court, Southern and Eastern District of New York
  • U.S. District Court, District of New Jersey
  • Federal Appellate Courts for Second, Third, Fourth and Ninth Circuits
Affiliations and Memberships
  • Admiralty Committee of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York
  • American Bar Association
  • Maritime Law Association of the United States
  • New York State Bar Association
  • New York State Maritime Alumni Association
  • Polish-American Alliance Association
Practice Areas
  • Transportation Law
  • Admiralty & Maritime
  • Aviation
  • Insurance
  • Commercial Litigation